A team becomes eligible to participate in the State Championship when the following has been met:

  •    Registered with The Basketball Alliance
  •    Participate in at least 1 Alliance event. (February - June)


Official State Roster:

  •   The official state roster will be the last approved roster prior to the State Tournament.
  •   Adding players to a state roster after a team’s last participated tournament will NOT be permitted.
  •   All players MUST have participated in at least 1 tournament with the team that they will compete with during the State Championship.
  •   Proof of age and grade is required for all players on the roster. Acceptable age verification documents are; legible photocopies of birth certificates, adoption papers, FS-240 or immigration papers. Proof of grade is a legible copy of a report card of the current school year or school document that indicates current grade level. Teams are required to have proof of age and grade upon check-in and throughout the tournament. It must be presented to a Basketball Alliance representative / tournament director upon request.